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EL proyecto consiste en la construcción de 527.00 Metros cuadrados de Pavimento con resistencia de 4000 PSI (280 kg/cm2) con un espesor de 0.10 metros, colocado sobre una sub-base granular, esto beneficiara a todas las personas de la comunidad, así también a todos los habitantes de las comunidades aledañas, Es importante mencionar que uno de los recursos con que se cuenta, es la buena voluntad de sus habitantes a apoyar el proyecto, vigilando que todos los recursos sean bien aprovechados para la ejecución del mismo.



  • Contar con 527.00 metros cuadrados de fundición de concreto rígido espesor de 0.10 mt, en el Sector Salón Comunal, Aldea Paxocol, Patzité, Quiché. 
  •  Que los habitantes beneficiados puedan transportar con facilidad sus productos, insumos y satisfactores en un 95%. 
  •  Contar con vías adecuadas dentro del territorio del municipio de Patzité que permita no aumentar el costo en transporte de personas y artículos (insumos, productos y satisfactores; así como personas). 
  • Contar con el financiamiento del Gobierno Central  
  • Contar con el financiamiento de la Municipalidad.  
  • Contar con el financiamiento de la Comunidad



  • Mantener y reducir los costos de transporte, para facilitar la adquisición de insumos, satisfactores y comercialización de la producción agrícola del Sector Salón Comunal.
  •  Reducir y disminuir la pobreza y la desnutrición en el Sector.
  • Resolver el problema del mejoramiento de la vía de acceso en el SECTOR SALÓN COMUNAL, ALDEA PAXOCOL, PATZITÉ, QUICHÉ. Para fomentar el equipamiento social de la comunidad. 
  •  Promover la organización y participación de las personas del Sector, para que velen por el mantenimiento y funcionamiento del camino.








  • NOG: 13283030
  • SNIP: 244953
  • SMIP: 0389
  • EXPEDIENTE: 0123
  • CONTRATO: 4-2020
  • SUSCRIPCION CONTRATO: Lunes, 26 Octubre 2020
  • FECHA INICIO: Viernes, 13 Noviembre 2020
  • NIT CONTRATISTA: 77083660
  • MONTO CONTRATADO: Q.249,000.00
  • APORTE MUNICIPAL: Q.249,000,00
  • MONTO FINAL: Q.249,000,00

10550 comentarios

  • Enlace al Comentario Juniorrah Lunes, 07 Octubre 2024 01:55 publicado por Juniorrah

    Hey all! I’ve been experimenting with cinnamon roll recipes lately and can’t believe how easy it is to make them at home. I always thought it was this complicated process, but once you get the dough right, the rest is a breeze. I’ve made a few batches now, and each time, I’ve been tweaking the recipe a bit.

    One trick that’s worked for me is adding a little extra cinnamon and butter in the filling to make sure they’re really gooey and flavorful. And instead of the traditional cream cheese frosting, I’ve been trying different toppings. My favorite so far has been a caramel drizzle—something about the sweetness with the cinnamon makes it extra indulgent! I also made a batch with apple slices in the filling, which added a nice texture and tasted amazing, especially during the fall.

    If you’re craving cinnamon rolls but haven’t tried making them from scratch, give it a go! It’s easier than you think, and you can really get creative with the fillings and toppings. Has anyone else tried adding different ingredients to theirs? Would love to hear some ideas!

  • Enlace al Comentario Charlesorasp Lunes, 07 Octubre 2024 01:10 publicado por Charlesorasp

    Embrace New Challenges: Visit Us Now

  • Enlace al Comentario socialwebnotes.Com Lunes, 07 Octubre 2024 00:27 publicado por socialwebnotes.Com

    Agora que você já sabe como funciona e quais os principais benefícios do produto, creio que
    é hora de falar da minha experiência pessoal com o produto.

  • Enlace al Comentario Juniorrah Lunes, 07 Octubre 2024 00:21 publicado por Juniorrah

    Hey all! I’ve been experimenting with cinnamon roll recipes lately and can’t believe how easy it is to make them at home. I always thought it was this complicated process, but once you get the dough right, the rest is a breeze. I’ve made a few batches now, and each time, I’ve been tweaking the recipe a bit.

    One trick that’s worked for me is adding a little extra cinnamon and butter in the filling to make sure they’re really gooey and flavorful. And instead of the traditional cream cheese frosting, I’ve been trying different toppings. My favorite so far has been a caramel drizzle—something about the sweetness with the cinnamon makes it extra indulgent! I also made a batch with apple slices in the filling, which added a nice texture and tasted amazing, especially during the fall.

    If you’re craving cinnamon rolls but haven’t tried making them from scratch, give it a go! It’s easier than you think, and you can really get creative with the fillings and toppings. Has anyone else tried adding different ingredients to theirs? Would love to hear some ideas!

  • Enlace al Comentario Juniorrah Domingo, 06 Octubre 2024 22:42 publicado por Juniorrah

    Hey all! I’ve been experimenting with cinnamon roll recipes lately and can’t believe how easy it is to make them at home. I always thought it was this complicated process, but once you get the dough right, the rest is a breeze. I’ve made a few batches now, and each time, I’ve been tweaking the recipe a bit.

    One trick that’s worked for me is adding a little extra cinnamon and butter in the filling to make sure they’re really gooey and flavorful. And instead of the traditional cream cheese frosting, I’ve been trying different toppings. My favorite so far has been a caramel drizzle—something about the sweetness with the cinnamon makes it extra indulgent! I also made a batch with apple slices in the filling, which added a nice texture and tasted amazing, especially during the fall.

    If you’re craving cinnamon rolls but haven’t tried making them from scratch, give it a go! It’s easier than you think, and you can really get creative with the fillings and toppings. Has anyone else tried adding different ingredients to theirs? Would love to hear some ideas!

  • Enlace al Comentario Cesarguima Domingo, 06 Octubre 2024 21:53 publicado por Cesarguima

    порно долбит
    kjhgfrtyuiob 9954c84

  • Enlace al Comentario Cesarguima Domingo, 06 Octubre 2024 21:45 publicado por Cesarguima

    порно хд
    qbrbrbbrb 54c842b

  • Enlace al Comentario Cesarguima Domingo, 06 Octubre 2024 21:42 publicado por Cesarguima

    порно хд
    iuytredfgh 88_a0ea

  • Enlace al Comentario Cesarguima Domingo, 06 Octubre 2024 21:25 publicado por Cesarguima

    порно хд
    kjhgfertyui 9987_7e

  • Enlace al Comentario Charlesorasp Domingo, 06 Octubre 2024 21:10 publicado por Charlesorasp

    Take the Leap: Visit Our Website Now

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